Note: The purchaser will be required to present their Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card and a valid government I.D. at entrance prior to using Museum for All tickets to enter the zoo. Reduced priced admission is not valid to special or separately ticketed events (e.g., Zoo Brew), field trips, or group visits.
The last admission into the Zoo is 1 hour before the Zoo closing time to ensure you have time to enjoy the Zoo.
Pricing Season
({{packageItem.quantity}}) {{packageItem.itemName}}{{packageItem.passInfoLinkEl.text}}
Earn{{item.accrualPoints}} {{subCategory.pluAccrualPointsHeader}}per ticket.
Redeem{{item.price}} {{subCategory.pluPointsHeader}}
There are no dates available for this event.
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Are you interested in adding another individual to your membership?
more individual. more individuals.
({{packageItem.Quantity}}) {{packageItem.Name}}
We are currently unable to find any available dates for this product, please check back later.